And finally we reach number 1 of our countdown of the strangest items sold at auction.
This item may not necessarily be the strangest item on the list, but it almost has to be included in the top 3 strictly based on the incredible price it achieved. The dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch in, arguably, one of the most famous scenes in movie history was auctioned off earlier this year and made a world record $5.6 million. The dress was worn during the famous scene where Monroe is dancing above a subway grate and the air from the grate comes and blows her skirt up, revealing much of her legs, and the suggestion of more. This dress is not only a part of movie history, but also a major part of cultural history because in her time, Marilyn Monroe had grown to become more then just a movie star, she was an internationally recognizable sex symbol and nothing represented this better then the subway grate scene from The Seven Year Itch. Marilyn Monroe, much like the subject of our last entry, JFK, died prematurely at the height of her fame and her memorabilia has since become very collectible, commanding very high prices.