Board games, as we know them today, emerged out of the Victorian Era, however nearly every ancient civilization had their own luck and strategy games.
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Some of the most popular games being played to day such as backgammon, dice, marbles, mahjong, checkers, dominoes and chess were derived from these ancient games. The game of chess dates back to 1500A.D. where it originated in India before being adopted in Persia. Chess quickly spread across the Muslim world until it finally became popular in Europe. Playing cards were introduced into Europe in the late 15th-century from China, where they had been in use as early as the 9th-century.
The value of chess sets, playing cards and board games are determined by the condition of the set, its provenance and even the materials it is made from. If you'd like to get a Chess, Playing Cards & Board Games valuation from our online specialist, simply upload a photograph and tell us any other details you know about the item.
Our expert is one of the leading authorities in the field, with over twenty years experience working for auction houses in London, New York and around the United States. Until recently, as an independent consultant, he directed dedicated specialist auctions at Bonhams covering an eclectic range of chess and gaming collectables: antique chess sets, Jaques Staunton, chess boards, antique games including backgammon and Mahjong, board games, gambling ephemera and playing cards.