Book, Map & Manuscript Appraisals

person holding miniature book

Books do not need be antiques to be collectable.Books come in all shapes and sizes and maintain value whether rare, antique, contemporary, fiction, non-fiction, comic, art, children or illustrated. Vintage book values stem from their rarity, physical condition, and literary importance. When considering the value of rare book like a Shakespearean folio found tucked away in the corner of your favourite bookstore or a first edition of The Da Vinci Code, our specialist is able to provide an accurate online valuation based on a number of qualifying factors. The condition of any book can determine its value; it is always wise to be aware of any foxing or staining that may exist on the inside of a book, broken spines or torn or missing pages before sending in your book for valuation. Signatures and dedications do increase the value of the book so make sure to these conditions to our experts. We've been able to value a wide variety of books, ranging from 17th Century leather bound books to modern day publications such as Harry Potter first edition soft covers which sell for over $200,000. The old adage- don't judge a book by it's cover- does not apply here! 

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Our Books, Maps & Manuscripts Experts

Our books specialist became interested in first editions while in high school. While completing a master's degree in English literature, he was offered a job managing a rare bookshop. Two years later he opened his own business specializing in rare and used books and manuscripts. He has completed countless valuation including those of several famous institutional libraries and is a well known television appraiser.

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