Sindy Dolls, sometimes referred to as the ‘British Barbie’ were first introduced to London via a television advert on the 6th September 1963.
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This was the first UK toy to be advertised on Television. Sindy was Britain’s best selling doll, manufactured by Pedigree Toys Ltd. Sindy was awarded the title of ‘Girls Toy of the year’ in both 1968 and 1970. Sindy mirrored the state of current fashion, adapting with the fashion market, and having appropriate accessories.
Sindy is an iconic British doll and holds a special place in many people’s hearts -there is still a definite demand for Sindy dolls and they can be worth more than you would have originally bought her for- whether she is vintage and used or new and still in the box!
Are you in possession of what might be a Sindy doll? Curious of its value? Or perhaps you would like to establish your doll’s background… Our leading toys and dolls expert can provide this appraisal for you.