A deltiologist, or a postcard collector, is a chronicler of memories and keeper of intimate messages.
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In the late 1890s and early 1900s, postcards started to be issued globally, even though they had been circulated sparingly since the 1860s. They were both a new form of visual expression and a significant means of advertising or promoting places. Thus postcards always reflected their historical period: landscapes, fantasy creations, various greetings, railway and shipping themes but also depicted contemporary works of art from their era.
The early 20th century is generally considered to be the Golden Age of Postcards.Nowadays, it is one of the world’s most popular collectable hobbies along with coin and stamp collecting. Amongst the most collectable postcards are: Victorian postcards, postcards sent from the Titanic and unusual Santa Claus postcards.Condition is an extremely important to consideration when buying postcards. The paper content and consistency can be a good starting point to establish the postcard's authenticity. Sometimes, the main constituent of the postcard's value comes from what is written on the back rather than what was printed on the front, e.g. signatures or messages from famous people.
If you'd like to get a Postcard valuation from our online specialist, simply upload a photograph and tell us any other details you know about the item.
Our expert worked for Sotheby's in their Torquay sale-room "Rainbow" in the Collector's department. After leaving Sotheby's, she has run auction rooms in Somerset and has built up the Collector's auctions in both. Now a freelance auctioneer and valuer, our expert works as a consultant to the Bridgewater auction rooms where she continues to run the Collectors and specialist Antiques auctions. Her extensive expertise covers not just teddy bears, dolls and toys but cigarette cards, postcards, medals, militaria, coins, costume, trains, games etc.
Our expert has over ten years experience in the collectables community and works as a freelance auctioneer and valuer. Her extensive experiences covers a large range of commonly collected items including, postcards, medals and cigarette cards.